Let’s make our life Grand / Noble

My loved ones,

          Today is 44th Gurupurnima of my religious journey. All of us are travellers of this pious trail. If you would like to endure the relationship with moral, then try and include these eighteen elements, of my life, in the proceedings of yours.

          The eighteen elements are as follows:

  1.  Nine Principles  – 9 elements
  2. Purity of Soul, Speech and Conducts – 3 elements
  3. Master key – Four Paths, Path of Love, Knowledge, Tolerance and Mercy – 4 elements
  4. Devotion and Pious Company – 2 elements
    Total – 18 elements

Beloved Children,

          If you would want your life to be virtuous and grand, to be happy, peaceful and blissful, then do adopt these:

  1. Be human and spread humanity.
  2. Be ethical and be intrepid.
  3. Be generous, sacred, selfless, and determined.
  4. Be optimistic and have reverence in verity and prosperity.
  5. Control and eliminate conspiracies.
  6. Be sensitive, compassionate and service oriented.
  7. Be courteous in your speech, behavior and dealings.

Beloved Children,

     Sure, you all are fine; I can hear ‘YES’ from all of you.

          According to me, the only solution to solve the current problem is to have utmost conviction in your conscience.

          Do not let fear – distresses enter in your mind. This is only effective remedy leading towards buoyant victory. Our success or failures are not determined by outer concurrences, but it’s reliant on us.

If we trust ourselves, we can change unfavorable circumstances to our convenience. Be the centre of your thoughts and you can fabricate the circumstances according to your liking.

Self-confidence is important for foundation.

As per my direction, continue to consume ‘Cumin (Jeeru)’.

My blessings to you all.

ૐ મા ૐ 
રાજયોગી નરેન્દ્રજી